Digital media and wellbeing among children and adolescents in Ticino



MEDIATICINO is an eight-year research project conducted between 2014 and 2021. It investigates the impact of new media on the well-being of students in Ticino during their transition from preadolescent (approximately 10 years) to adolescent age (approximately 18 years). This longitudinal study consists of an annual survey among almost 1400 students (from 2014 to 2021), a biennial survey among their parents (from 2014 to 2019), and the integration of students' year-term grades (from 2014 to 2019). In 2018 and 2019, thanks to funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation, the researchers had the opportunity to collect objective information on screen time and app usage directly from students’ smartphone, through the Ethica app. To underline this innovative aspect, the project has been renamed in “MEDIATICINO2.0”. The project is carried out in collaboration with the Department of Education, Culture and Sport (DECS), responsible for all public schools, and the two private schools Istituto Elvetico and Collegio Papio.

Principal Investigator

Anne-Linda Camerini



Laura Marciano



Susanna Morlino (Ondata 8)

Margot Carcuro (Ondata 8)

Benedetta Bernasconi (Ondata 7)

Elisa Galmarini (Ondata 7)

Kleona Bezani (Ondata 7)

Chiara Antonietti (Ondata 6)

Anica Ilic (Ondata 3 e 5)

Federica Mongillo (Ondata 4)

Giovanni Franscella (Ondata 3)

Ilaria Mammolo (Ondata 2)

Serena Quinto (Ondate 1 e 2)



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  • Publications

    Marciano, L., Viswanath, K., Morese, R., Camerini, A. L. (2023). Screen time and adolescents' mental health before and after the Covid-19 lockdown in Switzerland: A natural experiment. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2616.

    Marciano, L., Schulz, P. J., & Camerini, A. L. (2022). How do depression, duration of internet use and social connection in adolescence influence each other over time? An extension of the RI-CLPM including contextual factorsComputers in Human Behavior, 136, 107390.

    Marciano, L., & Camerini, A. L. (2022). Duration, frequency, and time distortion: Which is the best predictor of problematic smartphone use in adolescents? A trace data studyPLoS ONE 17(2): e0263815.

    Marciano, L., Driver, C.C., Schulz, P. J., & Camerini, A. L. (2022). Dynamics of adolescents’ smartphone use and well-being are positive but ephemeralScientific Reports,1316.

    Marciano, L., & Camerini, A. L. (2021). Recommendations on screen time, sleep, and physical activity: Associations with academic achievement in Swiss adolescentsPublic Health, 198, 211-217.

    Marciano, L., Schulz, P. J., & Camerini, A. L. (2021). How smartphone use becomes problematic: Application of the ALT-SR model to study the predicting role of personality traitsComputers in Human Behavior, 106731.

    Antonietti, C., Camerini, A. L., & Marciano, L. (2020) The impact of self-esteem, family and peer cohesion on social appearance anxiety in adolescence: Examination of the mediating role of copingInternational Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 25(1), 1089-1102,

    Filipponi, C., Petrocchi, S., & Camerini, A. L. (2020). Bullying and substance use in early adolescence: Investigating longitudinal and reciprocal effects over three years using the random intercept cross-lagged panel model. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 571943.

    Camerini, A.L., Gerosa, T., & Marciano, L. (2020). Predicting smartphone addiction in adolescence: A latent class regression analysis of online and offline activities. New Media & Society /(free access to accepted manuscript:

    Marciano, L., Petrocchi, S., & Camerini, A.L. (2020). Parental knowledge of children’s screen time: The role of parent-child relationship and communication. Communication Research (free access to accepted manuscript:

    Camerini, A.L., Schulz, P.J., & Jeannet, A.M. (2018). The social inequalities of internet access, its use, and the impact on children’s academic performance: Evidence from a longitudinal study in Switzerland. New Media & Society, 20(7), 2489-2508.

    Camerini, A.L., & Schulz, P.J. (2018). Social desirability bias in child-report social well-being: Evaluation of the Children's Social Desirability Short Scale using Item Response Theory and examination of its impact on self-report family and peer relationships. Child Indicators Research, 11(4), 1159-1174.

    Camerini, A.L., & Schulz, P.J. (2019). Two perspectives are better than one: Applying the actor-partner interdependence model to self-report media studies with children and their parents. In: Naab, T., Kühne, R., & Peter, C. (Eds.) Measuring Media Use and Exposure: Recent Developments and Challenges (pp. 90-113). Herbert von Halem Verlag.

    Camerini, A.L., Cafaro, T., Vanetta, F., & Schulz, P.J. (2017). L'uso dei media, il rendimento scolastico e il comportamento sociale degli allievi a scuola. Scuola Ticinese, 328, 51-55.

    Camerini, A.L., Quinto, S., & Cafaro, T. (2015). L’uso dei media, il rendimento scolastico e il comportamento sociale degli alunni a scuola. Scuola Ticinese, 322, 69-73.

    Schulz, P.J., Quinto, S., & Cafaro, T. (2013). Accesso ai media, uso dei media e rendimento scolastico: primi risultati di un’indagine pilota in due classi di scuola elementare. Scuola Ticinese. 318, 11-13.