Digital media and wellbeing among children and adolescents in Ticino

Bambini, Covid-19, e i media


CHILDREN, COVID-19, AND THE MEDIA is a project conducted during the first lockdown of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The project aimed to investigate how children aged 9 to 13 years old around the globe experienced the lockdown, which was characterized by distant learning, the suspension of extra-curricular activities, and social distancing. The project involved 4,322 children in 42 countries, including Switzerland. Participants completed an online questionnaire providing information on their current living situation, their perceptions, worries, and knowledge about the Coronavirus and the pandemic, and their media use during the lockdown. The project was funded and coordinated by TelevIZIon.

Principal Investigator for Canton Ticino, Switzerland

Anne-Linda Camerini


Anna Maria Annoni

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