Digital media and wellbeing among children and adolescents in Ticino

Faces of Science: Anne-Linda Camerini


Institutional Communication Service

18 March 2024

The use of smartphones and other digital media among children and adolescents is a highly topical subject, often demonized by our society. How truly dangerous is the use of digital devices, and what evidence do the most recent studies provide? Long-term studies are a particularly good way of filling in the gaps to better understand the benefits and risks of digital media use in the lives of children and adolescents. One of these is also Anne-Linda Camerini’s most important work to date.

The lecturer and researcher at the Institute of Public Health at USI and head of the MEDIATICINO research group, collected longitudinal data between 2014 and 2021 in collaboration with schools in Ticino, one aim of which was to examine whether and how smartphone use contributes to young people’s well-being– including during the pandemic. The project was supported by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation and laid the ground for the SNFS AGORÀ project Siete connessi?, in which the research group collaborated with L’ideatorio and Lugano Living Lab to engage in a dialogue with children, adolescents, and their parents about their smartphone use and the impact is has on their lives. In March 2024, Anne-Linda Camerini and her group started the four-year SNFS-funded GIOCO project. Using again a longitudinal design, the researchers will explore the role of (digital) play in children’s and adolescents’ socio-emotional, cognitive, and physical development.

Anne-Linda Camerini’s research has been featured in the monthly series “Faces of Science” on the Swiss National Science Foundation website.
Read the article and watch the video at the following link:
"She observes children’s digital habits – and doesn't demonise smartphones ("